I recently reconnected with a co-worker from over 10 years ago. While lamenting the old days, one of the recurring themes of our conversation was how much FUN we had at work. That evening I took my own personal trip down memory lane and recalled all of the crazy things we did to keep our work-life interesting. It made me realize how vitally important a fun and fresh work environment is to our creating a successful business culture. It plays a key role in job satisfaction, longevity and overall loyalty to a company. I look back at that time in my work life and can honestly say it was the best environment I ever had the privilege of working in. That culture allowed me to spread my wings and develop my leadership skills. I was able to explore, examine and participate in the many aspects that created an almost "Utopian work culture". I am truly fortunate for having been given the opportunity to immerse myself in that experience.
Ok- now let's take a trip back from my Utopian days to most employees' reality- I have heard leaders over the years make the comment that the perks of the job are the paychecks their employees get every two weeks. Well let me tell ya...that's a cop out and frankly a bunch of crap. It is an easy excuse for a lazy leader. If creating an effective culture is not a primary concern or consideration for a leader, then they are in the wrong job. Leaders have an absolute responsibility to create the type of work environment that inspires their employees to do their best work. It is their duty to their company, their customers and their shareholders.
Now, I am not naive. I would venture to guess that the majority of workplaces in this world are run in a fairly mundane manner, where fun is low on the priority list. But as leaders, why would we want to allow for an environment where employees are only loyal because of their paycheck and nothing more? Why would we stand back and watch our employees seek out their next opportunity....one that they perceive will provide them what is missing from their current experience? We have full control and accountability for creating a culture for our employees to thrive in!
Every supervisor/manager knows the pitfalls that come with turnover. The time and money it takes to find a replacement. The days, weeks and possibly months before the new employee becomes proficient in their new role, not to mention the negative toll the newbie has on productivity, quality and customer service. So as leaders....tell me again why we would not want to create a fun and engaging environment?
Advice for the Leader
Employees innately want to feel as if they are part of something greater than themselves. They want to feel grounded in their workplace and look forward to their future with the company. Although it may sound silly and "grade schoolish", leaders will make a huge splash with simple things like contests, food days, theme days, etc. Just like families getting together for a holiday celebration, these types of events pull people together around a common theme, while encouraging innovation and socialization. Fun events also typically put employees in a great mood, which translates into greater productivity, quality of work and customer service.
As the leader begins to focus on creating fun in the workplace, key employees usually catch the fever and begin to take over much of the work involved. The leader just has to provide some inspiration and the opportunity for employees to plan and execute events. Just make sure to be an active participant in whatever is going on. These types of events provide you with an excellent opportunity to do some much needed bonding with your employees (and yes...I said bonding). Finally- don't forget to recognize the efforts of those who have gone above and beyond to plan and pull off the event. Recognition helps to prime the pump for ongoing participation!
Some Pitfalls To Be Aware Of
Although most "fun" environments appear to be self-sustaining, don't get too comfortable that all will continue to run smoothly. Leaders must make a concerted effort to continually drive this emerging culture forward. If not carefully tended to, your efforts can erode very quickly.
- Mix it Up a Bit- Don't continue to use the same employees for all events. Not only does it burn them out, but it robs others of the chance to do something fun and interesting. It will also show you what your employees are made of.
- Beware of Contests- Although they can be a lot of fun and a source of great motivation, I have seen them used to the point of being ineffective. Contests tend to start off with a bang- they typically create a healthy sense of competition and a lot of fun banter. Unfortunately, if you run contests frequently, employees begin to lose their interest. The other concern with contests is your ability to deliver on the prize. I have seen so many contest's where the winner gets a lunch with the boss or a half day off with pay. I can count on one hand how many times that promise is kept. So...if you are going to commit to a prize, you must honor your word!
- Your Turn- I would also encourage leaders to occasionally plan their own little surprises. Whether it is just bringing donuts and coffee for the group, or having an impromptu summer ice cream social, it shows your employees that you care and are taking the time to think about them.
Advice for the Employee
Although it would be nice for our bosses to think of everything (and take charge of everything), that's typically not the case. Supervisors and managers have a lot on their plate and often get bogged down with the details of their daily responsibilities. It is not uncommon for something like party planning to end up at the bottom of their to-do list. Although I am a believer that effective leaders always keep their work environment top of mind, I realize that is not always the way it works. So...it if you want more out of your work environment....JUST ASK! Most leaders would be happy to endorse some type of fun event...as long as they don't have to plan, organize or implement it. Once you get the bosses buy-in, get a couple co-workers involved and get to planning!!
Some Pitfalls To Be Aware Of
- Don't be the Lone Ranger- Invite others to help plan and run the event. This will encourage teamwork and bring your fellow employees closer together. Excluding employees can create a great deal of animosity, so make sure to ask for help from everybody
- Remember...It's Not Your Wedding- Be careful not to treat a upcoming food day like it is the biggest event of your life. I have seen employees get so caught up in the details that arguments break out over things like what kind of buns to serve or what time the food should be put out. Lighten up and have fun with it
- Don't Go Overboard- Fun events should be planned on a somewhat regular basis, but don't take it to the point where it becomes a full time job. The boss will pull the plug on the fun when it starts to detract from getting the work done.
- Ask for Feedback- Make sure you are asking all employees for their ideas on future events. This again creates teamwork and minimizes any animosity in the work environment.
I would love to hear about your latest fun work events! Please feel free to post a comment and share. Otherwise you can click on my email at the top of the page and send me a note!
Have a great weekend all!
What a wonderful insite you have and you hit the nail on the head. I agree with everything you said because I have been there in the thick of it. I love your advice about getting others involved. I think they want to be in on the action but are afraid someone will make fun of them or think them foolish. They don't know what they are missing. I do not care what people think and they are not going to stop me from having a good time. Life is to short for regrets. I also think taking all the fun out of work can be detrimental to your business. Happy people are more productive. Love your blog!!! Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteMs Twaddle is not just giving lip service here!! She lives this advice. I have worked with her for over 6 years and in each of the different roles she has had she always brought the fun!! She is energetic and enthusiastic always making people feel special and unique. She was always bringing sweet treats for everyone, like chocolate pudding bars-LOL!! I also agree with her that we all have skin in the game, Leaders and Employees alike!! We are at work a good portion of our day, why would we not choose to have fun! In making the work place a destination we GET to go to, instead of Have to go to - we all win!!! Happy, energetic & enthusiastic people are contagous. Bottom line, a little fun in the workplace and everyone wins-Leaders, Employees & Customers!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing all your good advice-keep it up, we love hearing from you!!