Monday, June 28, 2010

Quirky Employee Behaviors- Liar Liar Pants on Fire!!

Throughout my leadership journey, I have had the privilege of working with some incredibly challenging employees. Among the most difficult to manage were those who, as they say, would lie when the truth would serve them better. Oh yes, those special individuals who can lie with a frightening level of ease and conviction. This ridiculous behavior is an alarming factor in many a workplace, and it is emotionally draining and time-consuming to deal with.

These types of employees seem comfortable lying about everything from what they had for dinner last night to being the long lost heir to a famous family's fortune. But the most disturbing of the lies I have heard are from employees who claim to be suffering from a life threatening medical condition. Although I am not qualified to diagnose the underlying issue, this level of deceit is downright frightening.

Suffice it to say, if an employee is comfortable lying to their co-workers about suffering from a terminal illness, you don’t have much hope of ever being able to trust a single word they say! How do you work with someone who is absolutely devoid of integrity? A significant element of your leadership role is creating a strong professional relationship with your team, and the last time I checked, one of the key elements in any relationship is trust. So how in the heck does a leader deal with someone who is a chronic liar??

One of the main challenges of dealing with these individuals is it becomes very tempting to try to ‘out’ them on their latest lie. I mean let’s face it, listening to a barrage of colorful lies on a daily basis could have even worn Mother Theresa down. However, your objective is to treat the employee with dignity and respect, and maintain a high degree of professionalism at all times. Trying to poke holes in their latest fabrication just makes it personal, and detracts from the real goal which is holding the employee accountable for the expectations of their job. That is the key to dealing with the workplace liar. Stay focused on the quality and productivity of the employee’s work, as opposed to their latest and greatest whopper of a story.

One significant complication that often occurs when dealing with this employee’s performance issues, is they often come up with some creative story about how or why the issue occurred. Much like with the ‘Drama Momma’s’ of the workplace, they will most likely attempt to take you on a trip over the river and through the woods in an attempt to distract you from the real issue(s). DO NOT WAIVER! Continue bringing the employee back to the objective facts or results that you are attempting to talk with them about.

If any element of the employee’s lying becomes a violation of any company policy, you have an obligation to address it. Just be prepared to compile a mountain of data (evidence) to make your case. Remember, these employees are slippery buggers. They are quick on their feet when it comes to lying their way out of a jam. Once you are able to present them with one piece of evidence after another, they often fold. In some cases however, the employee will continue to lie throughout the entire investigation. Just don’t waiver on your commitment to professionalism. In the end, the facts typically win out and the employee will be subject to the consequences of their actions.

The workplace liar is one of the most difficult employee types to deal with. The human side in many of us wants to right all wrongs, and working side by side with someone who chronically lies day in and day out really wears on the psyche. Continue to stay focused on your role and resist the temptation to spend too much energy on this employee. I have never seen any amount of attention change their behavior. Just make sure they are doing their job, and not violating any of your company’s rules. Finally, keep in mind that your focus must remain on their behavior in the workplace. Resist the temptation to become involved in any way with the tall tales they are telling about their personal lives.

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